10 November 1953

20th Parliament · 2nd Session

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The Senate met at 3 p.m., pursuant to the proclamation of His Excellency the Governor-General.

The President (Senator the Hon. A. M. McMullin) took the chair.

The Clerk read the proclamation.

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NOR-GENERAL entered the chamber, and, being seated, with the President on his right hand, commanded that a message be sent to the House of Representatives, intimating that he desired the attendance of honorable members in the Senate chamber forthwith, who, being come with their Speaker,

HIS EXCELLENCY was pleased to deliver the following speech: -

Members of the Senate and Members of the House of Representatives :

You have been called together to deliberate on matters of importance to the well-being of the Commonwealth.

The session now to begin will not be a long one, for we all have it in mind that early in the new year Australia is to be honoured by a visit from Her Majesty the Queen accompanied by her husband, His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh. The devotion of Australians to the Throne is both deep and warm. It has been shown by word and deed in both peace and war. It is not the special prerogative of any political party, or of any creed, or of any section of the Australian people. We all know that from the time Her Majesty arrives among us until the time she departs, she will not only encourage us by giving us a rare opportunity to express to her our feelings of allegiance and of love, but she will also, as we believe, derive encouragement herself for the great responsibilities which it is her historic mission to sustain. As the Royal Style and Titles Act passed by this Parliament earlier this year records, Her Majesty is no stranger in any of her realms and territories, because she is the Queen of each and all of them.

Her Majesty has graciously consented to open in person the next session of the Commonwealth Parliament. To that end, the Parliament will be prorogued at the end of the present sittings.

In Korea, the conclusion of an armistice after a struggle lasting for more than three years, a struggle which involved Australian forces of all arms and sad casualties, is of great importance. My advisers wish to pay high tribute to those who have fought under the banner of the United Nations to resist aggression, and who have made great sacrifices in the defence of freedom. It is indeed good that the Korean conflict has been confined to Korea and that a wider and more devastating disaster has been averted. My advisers will work with the other governments concerned for a negotiated and permanent settlement . of the Korean problem, so that what is now an armistice may become a real peace.

In the long run, peace can be secured in a real sense only by honest and patient endeavours to remove the causes of misunderstanding and conflict. It is with this basic truth in mind that my Government, having taken the initiative in the Colombo plan in 1950, has continued to support by money, technical assistance, material, foodstuffs, and Australian training for groups of persons from overseas, international efforts for the economic advancement of those nations which are at present under-developed. Human welfare and political stability upon a basis of individual freedom will, we all hope and believe, tend to restrict and ultimately to eliminate the causes of war. It is for this reason that my Government has continued the policy, which has been pursued by all Australian governments since the war, of supporting the United Nations and its specialized* agencies, with particular emphasis upon that area of .South-

East Asia with which we have a close and growing contact.

Although I have the honour to address you to-day as Her Majesty’s personal representative in the Commonwealth of Australia, members of the Senate and members of the House of Representatives will, I know, permit me to refer to the fact that much of my own previous service to the Crown has been rendered in Asian countries, the character and problems of whose people have engaged my own attention. These reflections render the expressions of co-operation which I have already made a matter of personal and particular interest and pleasure.

The major legislative proposal which my Government will submit to Parliament will take the form of a comprehensive bill to clarify arid consolidate the law relating to the provision of pharmaceutical, sickness and hospital benefits and of medical services. This will provide authority for the further development of registered hospital and medical benefit organizations. It will also provide for the operation of committees drawn from the medical and pharmaceutical profession to assist in the administration of these far-reaching health services. My advisers will continue to work in close association with the various professional associations and insurance organizations for the furthering of voluntary health insurance. They believe that the corporate finance resources so developed will protect the people to a substantial degree against the heavy financial burdens which so often result from medical and hospital treatment. The bill will also provide a firm legal foundation for the provision of medical and pharmaceutical services to pensioners.

Discussions have taken place between representatives of my Government and the Governments of the States, and it has been agreed that it is desirable that the Commonwealth and States should take legislative action for the proper control of the standards of therapeutic substances. To this end, my Government will present a bill to provide standards for such substances and for other purposes connected with this matter.

During the twelve months ended the 30th June, 1953, Australia’s international reserves were increased from £362,000,000 to £548,000,000. With this improvement in the balance of international payments, there have been successive relaxations of the restrictions on imports. The larger volume of imports resulting from these relaxations will add to the productive capacity of Australian industry and will contribute to the satisfaction of consumer demand.

Early in the new year, Commonwealth finance Ministers will meet in Sydney to review matters of mutual interest to the Commonwealth, including balance of payments prospects in 1954, progress of plans for moving towards a system of freer trade and payments, covering the widest possible area, and co-operation in development of the economic resources of the Commonwealth.

It is my Government’s view that much is to be gained by holding important Commonwealth conferences of this kind not only in the United Kingdom but in other Commonwealth countries as well. It is therefore gratifying that the proposal to hold the next Finance Ministers’ meeting in Australia has proved acceptable to other Commonwealth countries and a warm welcome is assured for Commonwealth representatives who will attend the meeting. My advisers are confident that the conference will contribute to the economic advancement of the Commonwealth countries.

My Government, believing that Australian development can be materially assisted by the investment of overseas capital in suitable industries in Australia, has examined the means by which taxation obstacles to the investment of such capital can be removed. An agreement designed to eliminate deterrents to investment was concluded by Australia and the United Kingdom in 1946. My Government earlier this year signed with theUnited States of America a convention of a comparable nature. In addition, conventions to avoid a double imposition by Australia and the United States of America of estate duty and gift duty have been signed. My advisers will introduce legislation to give the force of law in Australia to these conventions.

My Government has continued membership of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. But it has made it known that it regards this instrument as being unsatisfactory in some respects and therefore in need of revision. At the recent session of the contracting parties, it was agreed that they should commence a general review of the agreement in 1954.

The majority of the contracting parties recently decided to allow Japan to participate in the work, of the agreement and formulated a declaration whereby those of its members who wish to do so might regulate their trading arrangements with Japan, in accordance with the principles of the agreement. My Government has abstained from any association with this decision.

Within the limits of its present policy of non-discrimination in import licensing matters, my Government has continued the practice of negotiating bilateral trade arrangements designed to promote friendly commercial relations and to expand our export trade with various countries.

In according reasonable and adequate protection to efficiently conducted Australian industries, either by way of tariffs or by other methods, my Government will rely upon the Tariff Board for advice.

The Tariff Board Act provides for public inquiry into matters referred to it, and this provision ensures that the interests of all sections of the community are considered by the Government.

The need for a more expeditious procedure for determining Tariff Board inquiries is receiving consideration and my Government will, during the course of the present session, ask the Parliament to approve legislation designed to achieve that objective.

My Government intends to refund to wheat-growers the amount now ‘held in the Wheat Industry Stabilization Fund from the tax on wheat exported from the 1950-51 crop in No. 14 pool.

The amount of tax is just over £11,000,000, and interest from the investment of the fund will be added. The refund is to be made because the amount is no longer required for its original purpose, and it has consistently been the policy of my Government not to hold funds contributed by the growers in excess of the amount legitimately required for the purposes of the wheat stabilization plan.

A balance of £9,000,000 is being held in the fund pending the results of ballots to be conducted by the States as to an extension of the wheat stabilization plan, and should the growers vote for an extended plan the amount will be retained as the nucleus of a fund for that plan. My Government has made it clear at all times that the consent of the growers is a first requisite in any plan for wheat stabilization.

The position regarding the supply of agricultural machinery, tractors, chemicals and fertilizers, such as superphos’phate and sulphate of ammonia, bas improved appreciably during the last twelve months and has considerably aided my Government’s drive to increase food production. Improvements in supplies have been obtained from both local sources and imports from either sterling or dollar areas. In addition to the aid mentioned above, which is of direct concern to the farmer and grazier, my Government has also helped the Departments of Agriculture in all States through grants to supplement the extension and research services of the various organizations. Grants totalling approximately £500,000 a year have been made available and approval given to continue the grant, for the next five years. Such grants cover the extension services in general and the dairy and tobacco industries in particular.

My Government’s defence policy has been directed to building up and maintaining the strength of the forces in order to sustain our part in the collective defence of the free world. In the course of what has been called the “ cold war “ Australia has played its part in the resistance to Communist aggression in Korea, in the combating of Communist terrorists in Malaya, and in contributing to the security of the Middle East. Communist tactics have imposed on the democracies a heavy burden of re-armament, but we must accept this burden as the price of peace. Accordingly, my advisers are sustaining the permanent Forces at their present strengths, while national service, which is making a notable contribution to the physique and trained capacity of Australian youth, is building up the citizen forces and reserves. On the scientific side of defence, the joint United KingdomAustralia long-range weapons project is proceeding very satisfactorily. The United Kingdom Minister of Supply recently visited the long-range weapons establishment at Salisbury and at Woomera and expressed warm satisfaction with the progress that has been made. During his visit a new finance agreement was negotiated to cover the project, designed to ensure a more satisfactory basis for sharing costs in view of the increasing amount of scientific and industrial work now being done in Australia.

During October, the first atomic tests ever to take place on the Australian mainland were made at a proving ground north-west of Woomera. The tests were highly successful and were carried out in a spirit of close partnership between the two governments. The United Kingdom scientists had the responsibility for the scientific work associated with the trials, while the site was prepared by Australian service personnel, and the Australian Department of Supply was responsible for all planning involved in the preparation of the site. To provide as far as possible against the contingencies of the future, plans for co-operation in British Commonwealth defence are being actively developed between the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, while planning is also proceeding between the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand under the Anzus treaty.

Meanwhile, it is gratifying to record that in the field of aircraft production much good work has been done. Deliveries of Australian-built Canberra jet bomber aircraft having already commenced, while deliveries of the Australian-built Sabre fighter will commence early in 1954.

With the improvement in economic circumstances in Australia, my advisers have been able to increase the level of the migrant intake following the reduction which they had reluctantly found’ necessary to apply during 1952.

In the present programme, British immigration will continue to receive first priority, and, in both British and foreign schemes, the emphasis will be placed upon the migration of families. Special arrangements have been made to provide opportunities for British people to settle in Australia, who, previously, had lacked sponsors for their nomination.

The intake of workers of the various nationalities will be closely related to employment opportunities, both as to numbers and occupations. Particular attention will continue to be placed on the. introduction of experienced rural workers, to help remedy the shortage of suitable farm labour. The labour needs of the basic secondary industries and essential supporting and service industries have also been considered.

The task of developing the uranium resources of the Commonwealth is being vigorously pushed forward by the Atomic Energy Commission and the Bureau of Mineral Resources. Rapid progress is being made by the commission’s mining contractor, Territory Enterprises Limited, in the Rum Jungle area, where it is anticipated that the mine will be in production by the middle of 1954. In addition to this, large areas of the Northern Territory are being radiometrically surveyed from the air, with detailed geological and geophysical investigations on the ground in appropriate cases. As surveys of promising areas are completed those areas will be released for development by private enterprise. My advisers believe that this policy will not only provide a stimulus to our economy but will also ensure that deposits of ore are brought into production as quickly as possible.

When my predecessor last addressed you, he referred to the then grave and urgent problem of coal production.

In New South Wales, coal production is now adjusted to the- demand. Production could be increased if the need should arise. In other States, the coal industry is substantially in the same condition.

Demands are being met, stocks are in the main satisfactory and there is spare producing capacity which may be called upon at need. Stocks of coal at grass and in consumers’ hands throughout Australia amount to about 3,250,000 tons.

In the immediate future, steaming coal should continue to be readily available as required. Supplies of coking coal should be adequate. Only gas coal of best quality is likely to be in short supply and the use of some substitute coal in gas-works will probably continue. The quality of some coals in New South “Wales will be improved by cleaning plants which are being, or are shortly to be, installed.

There will be submitted to Parliament a proposal for the amendment of the Navigation Act to incorporate new safety measures agreed upon at an International Conference for the Safety of Life at Sea, in 1948, and the Commonwealth will then be in a position to ratify this important convention. o

The development of the territories of the Commonwealth and the welfare of the indigenous inhabitants remains a prime concern of my advisers. Health and education services have been expanded with special attention to the needs of the native populations. Plans for further expansion will be pursued.

In Papua and New Guinea, a measure of local government has been introduced by the establishment of a Legislative Council and the establishment of local government and village councils among the native villages. A Local Government Council for Nauruans has also been established.

There has been marked activity in the survey and development of natural resources and in the general economic advancement of the territories.

Accordingly, my Government sought and was granted at the recent session of the contracting parties of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade a waiver of certain provisions relating to territory products. As a result, my Government will be able, in appropriate cases/to accord its special assistance to products of the territory when imported into Australia.

In addition to the major items of legislation to which I have already referred, my advisers will submit to Parliament other legislative proposals the most important of which relates to grants to the States for the purposes of the universities.

In the earnest hope that Divine Providence may guide your deliberations and further the welfare of the people of the Commonwealth, I now leave you to the discharge of your high and important duties.

The President again took the chair and read prayers.

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Assent to the following bills reported : -

Appropriation Bill 1953-54. Appropriation (Works and Services) Bill 1053-54.

Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Assessment Bill (No. 2) 1953.

Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Bill 1953.

Customs Bill 1953.

Service and Execution of Process Bill 1953. Wheat Marketing Bill 1953. International Wheat Agreement Bill 1953. Social Services Consolidation Bill 1953. Estate Duty Assessment Bill 1953. Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications)

Bill 1953.

Sales Tax Bills (Nos. 1 to 9) 1953. States Grants (Special Financial Assistance)

Bill 1953.

Customs Tariff Validation Bill (No. 2) 1953. Excise Tariff Validation Bill 1953. Loan (Housing) Bill 1953. States Grants Bill 1953. Loan (War Service Land Settlement) Bill 1953.

Repatriation Bill 1953.

Seamen’s War Pensions and Allowances Bill 1953.

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– I have to report that I have received a copy of the Opening Speech delivered by His

Excellency the Governor-General to both Houses of the Parliament.

Ordered -

That the consideration of the Speech be an order of the day for a later hour this day.

Sitting suspended from3.45 to 8 p.m.

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Senator ANDERSON (New South

Wales) [8.0].- I move-

That the following Address-in-Reply to the Speech of His Excellency the Governor-General be agreed to: -

May it please Your Excellency:

We, the Senate of the Commonwealth of Australia, in Parliament assembled, desire to express our loyalty to Our Most Gracious Sovereign, and to thank Your Excellency for the Speech which you have been pleased to address to Parliament.

Ever since there have been parliaments of the British people, for at least 600 years, it has been the practice to move an Address-in-Reply to a speech delivered by the monarch or, in the case of the dominions, the direct representative of the monarch, the Governor-General. It is also a tradition that the opening speeches on the Address-in-Reply should be delivered by members of the parliament most junior in service, both in the Senate and in another place. Before moving this motion I sought to obtain some of the historic background to the Address-in-Reply with the aid of the National Library. I have gleaned that the motion for the Address-in-Reply probably had its origin in 1378 when, in the Mother of Parliaments, after the monarch had spoken to the Commons, the Speaker proceeded to air a list of grievances which the Commons considered that the monarch should redress. No thanks were expressed to the monarch on that occasion. Up to 1890, the practice seems to have fluctuated from expressions of loyalty and thanks to the other extreme. In the reign of James II., in 1685, the Commons resolved that the most humble and hearty thanks of that House be given to His Majesty for his gracious speech. During the “Long Parliament” of 1678, the Commons proceeded, without thanks or preamble, to inform the monarch of his errors of commission and omission. Since 1890 our present practice appears to have been followed.

His Excellency’s Speech made reference to the visit of Her Majesty the Queen to the Commonwealth next year. I know that I speak for all honorable senators when I say that the Coronation of the Queen in the middle of the year was a memorable occasion. With the aid of radio, we in Australia were able to take a personal and direct interest in the coronation ceremony in the knowledge that our parliamentary representatives were there; our Prime Minister (Mr. Menzies) was there, the Leader of the Opposition (Senator McKenna) was there, and the heads of the sovereign States were there. We were able to listen to the wonderful words of the Coronation. We all thrilled when we heard our gracious Queen, with her hand on the Bible, and, in response to her oath, say, “ The things which I have here before promised I will perform and keep. So help me God.” We all pray that Her Majesty’s reign will be a long, glorious and memorable one in the history of the British Commonwealth.

It is fittingthatHer Majesty should visit her loyal Australian subjects during the first year following her Coronation. Because of a new form of address, we may now refer to her as “ Queen of Australia”. Her grandfather and grandmother, whilst Duke and Duchess of York, opened the first Parliament of the Commonwealth in 1901. Her visit is also fitting because her father and mother came to Canberra to open the first Parliament here in 1927. Now, the third generation, our gracious Queen, is coming to open the Parliament early in her reign. That will be an occasion rich in memories for her and also for her loyal subjects in this country. Her Majesty has expressed the desire to see as many of the people and as much of the country of Australia as is possible. She will be here for 57 days. During that time she will travel, by air alone, the staggering distance of 10,000 miles in the course of 35 separate flights.

His Excellency referred to the need for continued expansion of production, and specifically to the need to expand production in the secondary industries and on the coalfields. I am sure honorable senators will agree that our high standard of living depends upon increased production. Without increased production, our living standards will undoubtedly fall. Hand in hand with that, and as an absolute essential to it, is the fundamental requirement of industrial peace in the community. In my opinion, this Government may be proud of the fact that during its term of office it has brought about a measure of industrial peace which has been unequalled for many years. At the same time, it should be recognized that during practically the whole period of federation we have had a degree of industrial peace equal to that of any country in the free world, and better than that of most countries. Indeed, it may be said that our employer-employee relations have been of a high order and an example to the remainder of the world. This can be attributed to our system of industrial arbitration, which is almost unique. All political parties in this Parliament subscribe to that system. As honorable senators are aware, in other countries a system of direct action or “ law of the jungle as it has been called, operates. Our industrial arbitration courts are presided over by members of the judiciary who are detached and who make determinations which are accepted by all thinking people as just, unbiased, and in the best interests of the community. We can take a great pride in the prestige of the judiciary. It has been untrammelled in all fields of law in Australia and its record is unsullied.

The trade union movement itself believes in and subscribes to the system of industrial arbitration. In the ‘twenties, a proposal that the Australian Government should vacate the field of arbitration and hand it over to the States was resisted by the trade union movement and the proposal was defeated at a referendum. I believe that all Australian political parties are on common ground in the belief that we should be proud of the Australian system of industrial arbitration. It has the support of all the ma jor political parties and the great trade union movement. Industrial arbitration has been a success, and it will continue to be a success while it is founded upon the fundamental principle that the decisions of the court shall be accepted. Therefore, honorable senators must feel some concern at the recent trend away from that principle in the thinking of certain sections of the community. A general departure from that principle would cause grave problems for Australia. Above all else it would endanger the rights and privileges and the achievements in industrial and social justice that have been conferred by the system of industrial arbitration. As the Prime Minister has said in referring to a judgment of the Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration, “ We may like it, we may hate it, but it is a decision of the court and we must accept it “. We must stand behind the court when it makes a. decision, in the knowledge tha.t the court strives for industrial peace founded upon industrial justice. His Excellency referred to the need for expanding production. Adherence to the principles of industrial arbitration should go hand in hand with the drive towards that objective.

In his speech His Excellency stated that during this session of the Parliament, a bill would be introduced to clarify and consolidate provisions relating to various hospital and medical benefits. In the course of 53 years of federation, the Constitution of the Commonwealth has been altered on only four occasions, although sixteen referendums have been held. The Constitution requires a majority of the people in a majority of the States to approve of the proposal submitted by referendum. One referendum that was carried related to the entry of the Australian Government into the field of health. Probably it succeeded largely because all parties represented in the Parliament gave their support to the proposal. Therefore, it can be said that the entry of the Australian Government into the field of health has the support of the people as well as the approval of the Parliament. Thus, the Government’s proposals in respect of health express the will of the people and in debating those proposals I believe that members of all parties will be on common ground.

A health programme pays for itself. Proof of that fact is supplied by our experience during the last 50 years when the expectation of life for males has risen from 52 years to 67 years and for females from 54 years to 70 years. During the same period the death rate in this country has decreased by one-half, and the infant mortality rate for the first year of life has decreased from one death to every eight infants to one death to every 40 infants. Whereas in 1920 the death rate from diphtheria in this country was 143 to every 10,000 of the population, in 1952, it had been reduced to four deaths to every 10,000 of the population; and whereas, in 1930, deaths from tuberculosis totalled 1,104 to every 10,000 of the population, in 1953 it was only 128 deaths to every 10,000 persons. Those facts alone prove the assertion that a health programme pays for itself. It pays for itself by removing fear, reducing the frequency of illness and encouraging early diagnosis. At the same time, it reduces the number of bed-hours in hospitals and thus more beds are made available for the accommodation of urgent and acute cases. The Government’s health scheme is based on the principle that prevention is better than cure. The Government recognizes that a national health scheme must be integrated. The sovereign States must cooperate fully in such a scheme, and the Government can be justly proud of its record in this sphere. Such a scheme must have the co-operation also of the medical profession. The Government has won that co-operation also as well as that of hospital authorities, the nursing community and of the people themselves. The Government will bear all these factors in mind.

All honorable senators recognize that the Government has a responsibility to govern, but I am afraid that many people outside the Parliament do not appreciate the principle that the Opposition has an obligation to oppose. That is our conception of the parliamentary institution. Procedure on the basis of proposition and opposition ensures that each measure presented to the Parliament shall be made most effective. We should never lose sight of the fact that the Leader of the Opposition is the leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition. Consequently, in this place we recognize that it is the duty of the Government to propose and that it is the duty of the Opposition, to a degree, to oppose. Within the limits of that obligation and responsibility, I believe that all parties will be on completely common ground in respect of many phases of the Government’s health proposals. Who amongst us would suggest, for instance, that he is opposed to the principle of free milk for children, free immunization of children, pensions for sufferers from tuberculosis, the provision of financial assistance to the States for the construction of tuberculosis hospitals, the provision of free life-saving drugs for the aged and free hospital and medical services for pensioners ? I repeat that in the great majority of respects all parties will find themselves on common ground when the Government’s health proposals are submitted to the Parliament. While I am dealing with the progress that has been made in the sphere of health at the Commonwealth level, I point out that whereas in 1948 expenditure on health amounted to £7,000,000, it is expected that expenditure under this heading during the current financial year will amount to £28,000,000. On this point, I make the following quotation from a statement that was made recently by the Minister for Health (Sir Earle Page)-

Money spent on health is the best investment money can buy. Mankind’s most priceless heritage is a healthy long life, which is important not only to ourselves but also to posterity. A successful health programme can and will achieve a happy long life for Australians and will pay for itself in future generations.

I believe that all honorable senators will subscribe to those views.

The Governor-General’s Speech made particular reference to our territories and to the developmental programme which the Government has resolved to achieve in this sphere. Unfortunately, since federation, the Northern Territory has always been a skeleton in the cupboard of the National Parliament regardless of the party political colour of successive governments. Prom my study of the problems that confront the Northern Territory, it would appear that a constant conflict has been going on between the visionaries on the spot and those in control of governments remotely removed from the area. I recall that in 1862 Sir George Bowen, who was then Governor of

Queensland, evolved great plans for the development of the Northern Territory. In all good faith, he submitted them to the British Colonial Office, but the results of his representations were most disappointing. Unfortunately, similar representations met with a like result over the years. The people generally tend to think of the Northern Territory as being a war risk to this country. The view of the average Australian in this matter can be summed up by saying, “ Some day the Asiatic races will come in there. The territory constitutes a threat to our freedom and way of life because of the vastness of its open spaces “. We tend to think of the Northern Territory in terms of cattle, cattlemen and huge holdings. I read the other day that one holding, Brunette Downs, was 5,000 square miles in area. We should think rather of the great potentialities of the Northern Territory. The pioneers of the territory have done a magnificent job in spite of lack of understanding on the part of governments, lack of transport and water and in the face of cruel isolation and loneliness. If we have not developed the Northern Territory as it should have been developed, it is not that the present generation lacks the pioneering spirit of our forefathers. We live in a different age. Thank God we have progressed. We have a different set of standards. What was good enough in the old days is not good enough now, and I am proud to know that this Government understands that important aspect of the problem. The Government realizes that one key to the door of the Northern Territory is social development. Speaking in the Northern Territory itself, the Minister for Territories (Mr. Hasluck) made the significant statement that the ultimate value of development is measured by its social consequences. No sensible person will disagree with that. Undoubtedly social development is a key with which we may open the door to the development of the Northern Territory. However, despite this new enlightened approach, the pace of development in the Northern Territory has been too slow. Now, into that picture has come uranium. The territory has been given a blood transfusion. The Governor-General re ferred to the Government’s approach to this great discovery. He said that the Government was pushing ahead with developmental work through the agency of the Atomic Energy Commission and the Bureau of Mineral Resources. Extensive air and land surveys are being carried out, and now we know from what His Excellency has told us, that by next year the Rum Jungle project will have become a reality. The Government, through its declared policy of enlisting the aid of private enterprise, is opening up the Northern Territory. There is a new conception of the future of that region, the “ Hasluck conception “, and I believe that in our time we shall see the Northern Territory developed beyond our dreams. I know it is dangerous to make prophesies in politics. By so doing many men have fallen by the wayside. Nevertheless, I am prepared to take the risk of predicting that in our life-time, Australia’s income from uranium may be comparable with that from wool.

The Governor-General referred also to our continued support of the United Nations. We live in a very uneasy peace. Any of the trouble-spots of the world - Trieste, Korea, Kashmir, Indo-China, East or West Germany, or Malaya - could touch off a conflagration between Soviet Russia and the Western Powers. Overnight we might pass from the cold war into a cruel and deadly conflict. We place our hopes for the future in our support of the United Nations. But that membership entails grave responsibilities. We in the Commonwealth of Australia are intensely proud of the fact that we have accepted our responsibilities as citizens of one of the United Nations. Already there has been tangible evidence of that acceptance in the sacrifices of our young men in Korea. I feel very sad indeed when I see indifference to the magnificent effort of our young men and women in the Korean conflict. We have accepted responsibilities, too, under the Colombo Plan and we are discharging them by extending aid to the nations of South-East Asia. I am sure that, even at this late hour, there is a chance to preserve world peace.

Our responsibilities under the United Nations Charter are internal as well as external and this Government has willingly shouldered the obligations that were undertaken by a previous administration. The Government will not shrink from those responsibilities. It will not shrink from its obligations under the Declaration of Human Bights, which was signed on behalf of Australia by the right honorable member for Barton (Dr. Evatt), then Minister for External Affairs. Article 20 of that declaration provides -

1 ) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.

No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

His Excellency has made it clear that this Government is proud of its ready’ acceptance of its obligations under the United Nations Charter both at home and abroad. It will continue to accept those obligations and to discharge them to the best of its ability.

When I joined the Army as a private, as many other honorable senators did, I well remember what I was told by my commanding officer about the task of an officer. He said that outwardly an officer held a position of privilege, but, in fact, his position was one of great responsibility. Every hour of the day and night an officer had a responsibility to his men and to his country. His duty was to ensure that the men whom he commanded were directed to the best of his ability. I believe that we, as senators, are in somewhat the same position. It is said that we have a position of privilege ; but in truth we have a position of great responsibility. We have a responsibility to preserve our parliamentary institutions, to put service before self, and to cherish and preserve our system of government for the free peoples of the world. Our parliamentary institutions and our system of government are founded on the Four Freedoms - freedom from want, freedom of speech, freedom from fear and freedom of worship. Our task, too, is to continue to strive for a greater measure of social justice for mankind. We have before us a shining example in Her Majesty the Queen, who said in her memorable Coronation Speech -

Parliamentary institutions, with their free speech and respect for the rights of minorities and the inspirations of a broad tolerance in thought and its expression - all this we con ceive to be a precious part of our way of life and outlook.

Senator WARDLAW:

– It is my privilege to second the motion for the adoption of the AddressinReply to the Speech of His Excellency the Governor-General, which has been moved so ably by my colleague, Senator Anderson. I thank the Minister for Trade and Customs (Senator O’sullivan) for so kindly extending this privilege to me on such an important occasion. As Senator Anderson has already mentioned, there is a tradition that the two most recently elected members of the Senate usually have the honour of moving and seconding the motion, respectively. I congratulate the Australian Government on the appointment of His Excellency, Field Marshal Sir William Slim, as Governor-General of Australia and, in wishing His Excellency a happy and successful term of office, I believe that T express the sentiments of every member of the Parliament. His appointment will strengthen the ties that bind this far-flung post of empire to the Homeland.

His Excellency, who has such an outstanding record, not only on the battlefield, but also in many other spheres, will be an inspiriation to the members of our armed forces. His service to Australia in an advisory capacity will be invaluable. I am sure that both honorable senators and members of the House of Representatives listened with great interest to His Excellency’s Speech. which referred, among other things, to the legislative programme for this session of the Parliament. The Speech revealed that the Government has adopted a policy of sound development and continued progress, against a background of national preparedness. I was particularly interested in His Excellency’s remarks about primary production in this country, to which T shall address myself in due (.011 rs p

I consider that the portion of His Excellency’s Speech which was of particular interest to every citizen of this country, dealt with the impending visit to Australia of our beloved Queen and her husband, His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh. The forthcoming Royal visit to this country will be an event of the highest constitutional significance, and in addition, it will afford to the people of this country an opportunity to demonstrate personally their loyalty and devotion to our Sovereign. The ceremonial pageantry that will be associated with the Royal visit, in addition to being spectacular, will emphasize the profound devotion and affection to the Throne of every member of this loyal dominion. We in this country pay allegiance to the Crown as a normal part of our way of life. It is on that basis that this Parliament exists. I am sure that every member of the Parliament hopes that our young Queen will enjoy a long, glorious and happy reign. The new Elizabethan era is a phrase that comes readily to mind. However, if this era is to be characterized by new triumphs and economic and social progress, we, the Queen’s people, must grapple with the tasks ahead and apply ourselves, patiently, to constructive work.

I assure the Senate that the Government will continue, unremittingly, to devote its energies to the welfare of the people of this country. Already it has done a great deal to overcome industrial production problems, and it has encouraged the farmers to increase primary production. I luring the last twelve months supplies of agricultural machinery including tractors, and chemicals and fertilizers, such as superphosphate and sulphate of ammonia

Iia ve improved enormously. The Com* in onwealth has made liberal grants to the Sta to Governments, aggregating about ii’00,000 a year, for extension services, and has indicated that such grants will l>o continued during the next five years. The grants provide for extension services in general, and for assistance to lim dairying and tobacco industries in particular. If the encouragement that lias been thus offered by the Government to the farmers to increase production can ho matched by the energy and skill of the farmers, industrial workers, and business community, Australia will be able to meet lim challenge of the times by helping to feed not only our own ever-increasing population, hut also people of other coun tries of the world.

There is evidence of a definite forward move in connexion with our rural economy. Not so very long- ago the prophets of gloom and despair forecast that Australia would become an importer of food to feed its own population. However, the situation has undergone a dramatic change, and we are now being encouraged to envisage 300,000,000 acres of improved pastures, compared with the present area of 18,000,000 acres. It has been claimed that the stock population can be doubled, and that, by the application of proper farming methods, crop acreage and yields can be greatly expanded. Indubitaly, our rural prospects for the future are bright. However, there are two elements in the situation. The first is the present favorable position in contrast to the position that existed during the first five post-war years. The second element is that there is a growing realization in this country that an agricultural revolution is developing. There is a supporting background of conviction in connexion with those two elements, especially among rural producers, that the degree of Australia’s agricultural development is important from an international, as well as a national point of view. Prior to this Government coming to office a lack of confidence on the part of many people was evident. I point out that unless the farmers have confidence in the Government it is unlikely that any scheme to increase agricultural production could be successful. I consider that the greatest stumbling block that existed to progress in connexion with rural production was the lack of confidence of the farmers in security and prospects of the future. It is. the policy of this Government to main-: tain a fully productive agricultural industry, and to ensure a fair living to the persons engaged in it. To this end, annual reviews of economic conditions and prospects in the industry will continue to play a large and essential part from both a short-term, and a long-term point of view. An increase of 10 per cent, in our national income in the last financial year indicates that a high level of stability, as well as increased production., has been achieved. Wages and. salaries rose by 8 per cent., and farming income by 33 per cent, in that year. The rise in wool prices, which, had fallen during the previous year, contributed to the increase of farm income, but. the greater proportion of the increased’ income was attributable to substantial increases of production of butter, wool, meat and other commodities. There was a record high yield per acre of .wheat, the production of which increased by 20 per cent, in that year compared with the previous year. This increased production was the direct outcome of a much higher yield rather than increased acreage. It can be claimed that, largely as a result of commonsense economic policies and sound leadership, the Government has stimulated greater productivity in Australia and this has resulted in greater wealth for the individual Australian citizen. Production figures demonstrate clearly not only that production is greater, but that productivity has increased. Rural production in the last financial year was valued at £1,090,000,000, which was 17i per cent, greater than the production of the previous financial year. That was a creditable performance. Still, we cannot ignore market trends overseas. Great Britain is already able to obtain cheaper sugar. Bacon may be cheaper and butter is more plentiful in the new world. All these facts indicate the probability of lower prices. World wheat markets are easier and. lower prices may adversely affect other primary products. The decision of the British Government to move away from systems of State trading and control and return to a trader-to-trader basis of marketing may not be free from difficulties in the transition stage, but greater emphasis will certainly be placed on quality, selling price, and attractive presentation. These are factors of which wo cannot afford to lose sight. If Australia is to continue to have high living standards, Australians must be encouraged to earn more money and spend more.

Given the incentive of more money for effort, the Australian is not different from the American who works industriously in an incentive society. Australian costs must be considered m the light of overseas competition. Present costs of production are stifling both primary and secondary industry and have become a menace to expansion. A policy of higher production costs will spell doom to our export markets and the gradual decay of our rural industries, which are the backbone of our economy. We have a magnificent country with unlimited possi bilities for happiness, prosperity and the maintenance of a high standard of living, but the privileges that we enjoy entail responsibilities on the part of Australia and ourselves. Before the position becomes really desperate let us clearly admit those responsibilities and concentrate on our work and increase production. High transport costs as represented by shipping, railway and air freights are the heaviest burden on primary and secondary industry and, unless drastically reduced, could result in the crippling of our economy. No one desires any interference with the basic wage, hours of work, or standard of living of the man in the street. I believe that workers should receive the best possible wages and conditions that industry can afford,- but, in the interests of industry itself and the maintenance of capital and industry at a point that will give service to the general public and provide a high level of employment to the worker, an end should be made to unreasonable amenities, slackness, inefficiency, waste and strikes.

As a representative of the smallest State in the Commonwealth I should like to say something about the contribution that Tasmania makes to the economy of Australia. I claim that this contribution is out of all proportion to the size and population of that State. I shall not weary the Senate with a mass of figures in order to prove my contention, but the few figures that I wish to submit may interest and, perhaps surprise honorable senators. A3 a primary producer, representing more particularly the primary producers of Tasmania, it is natural that my first reference should be to Tasmania’s contribution from that source. During the ten years from 1941 to 1950 Tasmania produced an average of 373,000 tons of potatoes, 434,000 bushels of oats. 2,398,000 lb. of hops and 6,045,000 bushels of apples. During the financial year 1950-51, Tasmania produced 17,249,733 lb. of wool which was valued at £12,941,630. The mining industry of Tasmania has been of enormous value to the Commonwealth also. I shall not deal with minerals in detail but I shall content myself with mentioning that the total mineral output of Tasmania from 1880 to the end of 1950 was valued at £107,000,000. There is no need for me to stress the substantial contribution that has been made to mineral production by the Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company Limited. The availability of cheap power generated from hydro-electric systems has been a deciding factor in the establishment of such industries as the Electrolytic Zinc Company of Australasia Limited, the Australian Commonwealth Carbide Company Limited and the aluminium undertaking at Bell Bay, which will be of very great value to the defence of Australia. Cheap power has also been a very important factor in the establishment of such great industries as Patons and Baldwins Limited, Cadbury-Fry-Pascall Proprietary Limited, the Associated Pulp and Paper Mills Limited at Burnie, the newsprint mills at Boyer, and other substantial commercial undertakings.

The actual benefit of these undertakings to Tasmania itself is insignificant compared with the contribution that they have made to the general economy of the Commonwealth. This contribution has been made by a population of approximately 300,000 people, which is less than one-third of the population of Melbourne. However, Tasmania’s position is becoming increasingly difficult because of its insular position and the increasing burden of shipping freight rates. It has been pointed out, over and over again, that Tasmania is a full partner in the federal compact and should receive the same consideration as every other State. No doubt the people of the mainland States, connected by efficient railway systems, find it hard to visualize the position of Tasmania, separated as it is from the mainland by Bass Strait and solely dependent on sea-borne freight. I can assure the Senate that the position of Tasmania is ‘becoming increasingly serious and I appeal to honorable senators who represent the larger States sympathetically to consider the position’ of Tasmania.

In conclusion, Mr. President, may I express the hope that this chamber will continue to justify the hopes that were expressed at its creation, namely that the interests of the States would be paramount and that legitimate State interests would be regarded as more important than mere party considerations. I approach my duties in this Senate in that spirit, and look forward to opportunities to co-operate with honorable senators, on both sides of the chamber, who represent the State which I also have the honour to represent.

Senator TOOHEY (South Australia) 8.55]. - I have great pleasure in associating myself with honorable senators on this side of the chamber, and also the many supporters of the Australian Labour party with that part of the motion which expresses loyalty and devotion to Her Majesty the Queen. Whatever our views may be regarding matters of a political character, I think it can truly be said that we in this chamber are united in that respect. This afternoon I welcomed the opportunity to meet, for the first time. His Excellency the Governor-General, who is Her Majesty’s personal representative in this country. Before I proceed to deal with other matters, I wish to congratulate Senator Anderson and Senator Wardlaw who respectively moved and seconded the motion before the Senate. However sharply our political views may conflict, to-night I have a very definite fellow-feeling with those other two newcomers to the Senate. I have no doubt, that they were attacked by butterflies of the same kind as those which are attacking me at the moment and were filled with the same kind of fears as those which I feel now. We have those things, at least, in common. I sincerely congratulate them on their contributions to this debate, and I hope that my speech will match theirs in quality. It would be hypocritical for me to say that the area of my agreement with them goes further than that, because, as Senator Anderson has said, it is the duty of an Opposition to oppose. I have a certain responsibility, and however much I may be in accord with honorable senators opposite on some matters, it is my duty to differ from them in respect of other matters referred to in the Governor-General’s Speech.

I wish, first, to deal with the question of medical benefits, a matter about which I spoke when I made my maiden speech in this chamber. An honorable senator from South Australia, on the opposite side of the chamber, at that time referred in eulogistic terms to the efforts of the Government in the field of medical services. In my opinion, his eulogy was unjustified. On that occasion 1 asked the Government to consider the plight of people who suffer from chronic ailments. It is well known that although such persons receive some assistance from the Government under its medical benefits scheme, they are precluded from receiving the full range of benefits because the majority of friendly societies prohibit the enrolment of persons in that position. It is the fundamental responsibility of the Government to care for those who are most in need of care. Obviously, if people are suffering from chronic ailments, such as cancer or tuberculosis, and are prevented, for that reason, from receiving the full benefits of the Government’s medical benefits scheme, it is the clear duty of the Government to take steps to correct that position as soon as circumstances permit. I hope that the Government will give earnest and urgent consideration to this matter.

I come now to that portion of the Governor-General’s Speech which dealt with the question of trade with Japan. This subject, in my opinion, is of the gravest national importance. His Excellency also referred to the participation of Japan in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the resumption of trade between Japan and this country. That trade would involve acceleration of the export of scrap iron and steel to Japan, which would bring about the possibility of a recurrence of a national crisis which manifested itself in Australia in the not too-distant past. In yesterday’s press, two distinct sections of the community emphasized the need for immediate action concerning the export of scrap steel to Japan. In that connexion, representatives of the Chamber of Manufactures, and also the Federated Ironworkers Association, urged immediate action by this Government. The chairman of the Iron and Steel Founders section of the Chamber of Manufactures, Mr. Green, stated that a certain amount of scrap should be kept for local requirements, in the same way as a certain amount of wool is retained here. He also stated that local industry is being starved of scrap iron and steel, whilst exports of scrap to Japan are increasing. On the same day, spokesmen for the Metropolitan Ironmasters Association and Waterside Workers Federation expressed consternation at the position. It seems to me that it would almost border on criminality for the Parliament of the Commonwealth to ignore the present position of steel in this country. It is true that our efforts to explore and develop the possibilities of raw steel production are inadequate. It is farcical and, indeed, tragic that at a time when Australia is beginning to feel the impact of an acute shortage of steel we should be exporting it to a former enemy country, in the same way as we did previously.

I come now to a question which I consider is directly related to the very important matter with which I have just dealt. In the South Australian Parliament, approximately a fortnight ago, acting on a report of the South Australian Director of Mines, Mr. Dickinson, members of the political party which I represent moved for the appointment of a select committee to inquire into the possibility of establishing steel-works at or near Whyalla. It should be emphasized that for many years Mr. Dickinson has been trying to impress on the South Australian Government the need to embark on such a project. As yet no decision has been made by the South Australian Government, but if it acts as it did when confronted with similar recommendations previously, this proposal will be shelved and one of the most urgent national needs will again be neglected because of lack of foresight and awareness of the situation. Unfortunately, I have no reason to believe that the South Australian Government will act otherwise. When Mr. Dickinson advocated the establishment of a steelworks at Whyalla, he also suggested that the interests of Australia would be served if similar works were established at Bowen, in Queensland. The attitude of the Queensland Labour Government to the proposal was very different from that of the South Australian Liberal-Country party Government. The Queensland Government is co-operating to such a degree that it has agreed to give every consideration to the establishment of a steelworks in Queensland and it will explore every possibility of doing so.

When the motion for the appointment of a select committee was moved in the South Australian Parliament, a comprehensive report was submitted by the mover based upon Mr. Dickinson’s recommendation that steelworks be established in .South Australia and other States. However violently honorable senators may differ in political thought, all must feel uneasy in their minds at the evident signs that the steel position in Australia is in danger. This is a timely occasion to recall the period when Australia embarked upon an orgy of steel exports to countries that later proved to be deadly enemies of Australia to the detriment of the Australian industry and the welfare of the nation in general. Could we be guilty again of such cardinal folly and embark upon a similar orgy at a time when Australia’s steel consumption is not being met by the output? I suggest that honorable senators should heed carefully the matters raised in the references that I have quoted, and that we should consider also the report of the South Australian Director of Mines upon the absolute necessity to expand steel production. Mr. Dickinson is considered to be a leader in the field that he represents. When he makes submissions upon matters in that field, his voice is listened to with respect by those who are aware of his ability, not only in his own State, but also in every other State. That matter is of such importance that at the risk of boring the Senate I shall quote some of the statements that Mr. Dickinson has made. I believe that, however much we may differ upon matters of a political character, we should be prepared to give full consideration to anything that is essential to the national welfare. Mr. Dickinson has submitted some of his suggestions to the South Australian Government on many occasions. He has spoken with the voice of one crying in the wilderness in his endeavour to instill the need for action into the minds of those who are steeped in conservation and are afraid to move from well-trodden paths. I emphasize that Mr. Dickinson’s qualifications have been acknowledged by the South Australian Government, the fertilizer com- panies of Australia and the Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited. That is sound indication that he speaks with the voice of authority. Mr. Dickinson recommended -

That a new company should be formed and that the capital should be raised by private subscription and government loans to finance the new company to produce steel in Australia. It is furthermore suggested that the B.H.P. and the South Australian and Commonwealth Governments should be major shareholders in this new company and that finance and/or plant be sought abroad to permit production being undertaken in the shortest possible time.

I am aware -that there are limitations to the extent to which the Australian Government might be expected to take action along those lines. At the same time, I know that certain responsibilities devolve upon the Commonwealth Parliament, and that activities could be set in motion by the Parliament that might give effect to the proposal contained in Mr. Dickinson’s report. Therefore, I direct the attention of honorable senators to a section of his report that contains the essence of the steel problem in Australia. Mr. Dickinson stated -

The present monopoly control of the steel industry by the Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited is not in the public interest. It must be overcome, preferably by the establishment of a new company producing steel in Australia on a competitive basis.

I emphasize that in making that report Mr. Dickinson was not expressing an opinion as a member of the Australian Labour party speaking to somebody who was informed upon the finer points of the economics and science of steel production. In fact, he was voicing his thoughts in accordance with what he believed to be the national need. That is an important distinction. In another section of his report he stated -

It is estimated that the demand for steel in Australia in 1960 could reach 5,000,000 ingot tons per annum. While this prediction of demand is open to the criticism invariably associated with any estimate of future needs, it is based on the assumption that Australia’s industrial growth will continue for some time to come at a rate comparable with that of the past decade.

It can be fairly stated that in making that estimate of the future steel requirements of Australia, Mr. Dickinson could not be charged with exaggeration. I believe all will agree that it is based upon a conservative consideration of possible future needs. All honorable senators will, acknowledge that the development of Australia is vital and that our thoughts should be trained upon the fields of production that would be auxiliary to such development. The faster that development occurs, the greater will be the need for steel because it is a basic commodity. Consequently, I believe that Mr. Dickinson’s prediction is a sound one and must be taken seriously. The report proceeded -

The present total capacity of the Broken Hill Proprietary Company’s steelworks is l,!)2G,000 tons. In 1955 the company plans to have established an additional 350,000 tons, making a total of 2,270,000 tons, equivalent to about 550 lb. per capita per annum. This steel- works capacity is quite inadequate for Australia’s normal consumer demand and developmental and defence needs, which in 1960 are estimated as possibly requiring a maximum of 5,000,000 tons per annum. During the post-war years the growth of Australia’s steel production capacity did not keep pace with her national growth.

I am aware that quotations are tiresome, but the importance of the report from which I am quoting should ensure for it the careful consideration of honorable senators. The report continued -

In 1040 the total capacity of the Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited steel-works was 1,691,000 tons, in 1950, 1,880,000 tons, an increase of only 189,000 tons, or 1 per cent, per annum over a ten-year period. During this period Australia’s manufacturing industries increased their output by several hundred per cent., a higher percentage increase than in any other British Commonwealth country. The current expansion programme from 1,926,000 tons in 1952 to 2,276,000 tons in 1955, 350,000 tons of ingot steel, commenced too late. The inadequacy of steel capacity in Australia can only be rectified by the establishment of 2,000,000 tons of additional capacity. As a first stage in a greater steel expansion programme it is recommended that a completely integrated steel-works with a capacity of 750,000-l,000jO0O ingot tons be built in South Australia.

It is estimated that the cost of providing in South Australia works of that capacity would he approximately £1,000,000. As a result of the restriction of loan allocations to the States, South Australia would find it exceedingly difficult to make available finance for this purpose.

Senator Maher:

– The States were never .better off financially than .they are to-day.

Senator TOOHEY:

– In this respect, I can speak only about the position of South Australia. I inform Senator Maher that, already, tangible evidence is available of the cessation of developmental works in that State since the last allocation of loan moneys was made to the States. The honorable senator may not be aware of the fact that construction of a reservoir at Little Para, which, has been carried to an advanced stage, has been abandoned because of shortage of finance. That reservoir was being constructed in order to supplement the existing inadequate water supply for the metropolitan area of Adelaide. As a result of the restriction of loan funds, the Government of South Australia has been obliged to discontinue work on other important projects as well. Even the Premier of South Australia, who is not a Labour man, would be the first to admit that the construction of the Little Para reservoir has been abandoned because the Government has been unable to obtain adequate moneys from the Australian Government in order to finance the State’s developmental needs. If that work has been discontinued for any other reason, that reason has not been made known officially in South Australia. I do not claim to be aware of what is happening in Queensland, which Senator Maher represents in the Senate, and without such first-hand knowledge I would hesitate to contradict any claim that he might make in respect of that State. At the same time, I should expect that he would admit, that I have some knowledge of the State that I represent in this chamber. In any event, I can claim that I know more than Senator Maher does about what is happening in South Australia. However, I believe that the honorable senator will not disagree with the views that I am putting with respect to the importance of increasing steel production in this country. The next passage that I quote from Mr. Dickinson’s report, and which, J believe, will please most Government supporters, reads: -

Australia outstandingly produces the lowestpriced steel in the world. In many export markets her steel has been placed at a price advantage relative to that -from other sources. On present indications there should be no difficulty in placing much larger quantities. particularly in British Commonwealth countries, although it is clearly evident that export surpluses may be a prominent feature in some steel markets in the immediate future.

Here, I make the point that as a result of the activities of the Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited there is now a tendency to restrict steel production in this country. I make it clear that I am not attacking that company. I admit that it can point with pride to many phases of its activities. However, having made that admission, I emphasize that it is not in the best interests of any country to permit one company to have virtually a monopoly of the production of a basic raw material that is essential to national development and defence. As a result of the existence of that monopoly which, to some degree, is backed by legislation, we now find ourselves in a position in which the output of a vital raw material is being deliberately restricted.


– Australia had to import steel when Labour was in office.

Senator TOOHEY:

– If the honorable senator studied the political history of this country a little more closely than, apparently, he has done up to date, he would find that the party to which he belongs must bear the greater share of censure for failure on the part of national governments to develop Australia’s resources. I should be prepared to debate with him at any time and in any place the record of the Labour party in the sphere of national development. I repeat that at present in Australia there is a monopoly in steel which, if we were to become involved in a global war in the immediate future, would place this country in a most serious position indeed.

Senator PEARSON:

– Did the Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited fail Australia during World War II. ?

Senator TOOHEY:

– I am not suggesting that company either failed or materially assisted Australia in that conflict. I am pointing out that if another war occurs, Australia will find itself in a position vastly different from that in which it found itself during World War II. Whether or not the Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited assisted Australia during World War II. is unimportant. The important point is whether in the national interest we should do everything possible to increase the production of steel. Unfortunately, not only steel but also many other vital raw materials are being left unexploited. Mr. Dickinson’s report continued -

Ample supplies of high-grade iron ore are available in Australia for the proposed expansion programme but it is vitally necessary that the export of iron ore, pig iron and scrap iron be restricted so that they can be conserved to maintain production of low cost steel for as long as possible.

I point out that Mr. Dickinson submitted this report at a time when sections of the community were expressing concern over the acceleration of exports of scrap iron to Japan. He issued an urgent warning against the exportation of scrap iron from this country. His report continued -

Little is known of the iron ore reserves of Australia. After 25 to 30 years, unless new discoveries of high-grade iron ore are made, low-grade ore will have to be relied upon for continued as well as further increases in steel production. The tempo of exploration and development should be increased, with special attention being given to those areas where the economics of production are favorable.

South Australia provides 99 per cent, of the total iron ore production of Australia. Its known reserves of high-grade ore are not unlimited, but are adequate to support a new steel plant of 750,000-1,000,000 tons capacity for a period of 30 years. At the same time they are inadequate to supply Port Kembla and Newcastle for a similar period. The reserves should not be depleted to an extent which will prejudice the establishment of a large-scale steelworks in South Australia.

I believe that that report will commend itself to all honorable senators. It is idle for us to ignore the fears that are now being expressed on this matter by influential sections of the community. We cannot blind ourselves any longer to the fact that in spite of the current upsurge of national development in this country, there has been a marked decrease in the production of a commodity that is essential to national expansion. If the South Australian Government is not prepared to take action, the cardinal responsibility rests upon the shoulders of this Parliament. The people of Australia are becoming aware before we are of the danger signs that are manifesting themselves in regard to this extremely urgent problem. Surely the National Parliament is not going to wait until the people prod it into taking some action to protect the welfare of the community as a whole. Let us forget our political differences and consider this problem as a national problem. It cannot be ignored for much longer. I shall leave the matter there. I hope that having raised it in this chamber to-night, in the not distant future somebody will take up the theme and eventually it will intrude itself into the minds of all representatives of the Australian people.

I propose to refer now to several remarks made by Senator Anderson in what I regard most sincerely as an extremely able speech. The honorable senator stressed the need for industrial peace. Everybody will agree that that is one of our most pressing problems. The honorable senator went on to say that he regrets the tendency to move away from the arbitration system of which we are all so proud. He said that we must stand behind the court. That leads me to a matter which I consider to be of vital importance to the economic life of this country. I refer to the recent decision of the Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration to suspend quarterly adjustments of the basic wage. I shall return to that matter in a few moments. Dealing first with arbitration in general, I say that since the advent of this Government there has been a lessening of confidence in the Commonwealth Arbitration Court on the part of great industrial organizations. I speak with some authority on this matter because before T entered this Parliament I was associated with one of the biggest trade unions in South Australia. I know something of the relations of the industrial movement in general with the various arbitration authorities since this Government came to office, and my observations lead me to believe beyond any shadow of doubt that there has been a marked lessening of confidence in the court on the part of the trade union movement.

Senator Hannaford:

– That is a reflection on the court.

Senator TOOHEY:

-Senator Hannaford says with every evidence of horror, “ That is a reflection on the court “. Is the Commonwealth Arbitration Court beyond criticism ?


– Is the honorable senator implying that the Government has authority over the court ?

Senator TOOHEY:

– No. I ask the honorable senator to permit me to develop my line of argument. I was about to define the relationship of the Government to the processes of arbitration. By amending the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Act to provide for the appointment of conciliation commissioners, the Chifley Government made a major contribution towards industrial peace in Australia.

Senator Guy:

– The Chifley Government did not have much of a record in that field.

Senator TOOHEY:

– I cannot agree with that statement at all. The Chifley Government reconstructed the arbitration system and, as honorable senators opposite have not been game to do anything about it since they came to office, we can only assume that they are satisfied with it. I believe, however, that there is an urgent need for a further reconstruction of our arbitration system. This Government has not the courage to tackle that task. We pride ourselves on being a progressive nation. When changes become necessary we should not hesitate to make them, but apparently the Government does not share that view, at least in relation to arbitration. Leaders of the industrial movement in Australia are not satisfied with the present operation of the arbitration system. First, the processes of arbitration are becoming so costly that trade unions cannot afford litigation. That disability is being suffered very severely by the organization with which I am associated. Have honorable senators opposite any idea of how much it cost the Australian Council of Trades Unions to make its general application to the Commonwealth Arbitration Court? The total cost so far is more than £20,000, and the expense has not ended. If it has become necessary for a union to face bankruptcy to achieve justice for its members, our arbitration system must break down.

Senator Hannaford:

– Who got the £20,000?

Senator TOOHEY:

– I am not silly enough to say that the court took all of it, but it was all absorbed in the processes of arbitration. Arbitration hearings are almost invariably long drawn out. A hearing may start in Adelaide, move to Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, and then back to Adelaide. The unions concerned must follow wherever it goes. This means that the cost of providing witnesses and advocates is very high indeed. The transcript of evidence also is an expensive item. I know of one union which had to pay £700 in a year for the transcript of one major case. The union which which I am associated submitted a log of claims for higher wages and improved conditions to the court in 1949, but it has not received judgment yet. Can anybody reasonably say that the processes of arbitration are operating satisfactorily when expense and delay are frustrating the efforts of trade unions to secure what they consider to be justice? When an organization has been unable to secure finality on a claim for five years is it any wonder that its members are tempted to take direct action to focus the public spotlight on their grievances? It is of no use trying to excuse such a system. A system that is outmoded must be scrapped. The industrial movement in Australia will insist th at it be scrapped.

I believe that the suspension by the Commonwealth Arbitration Court of quarterly adjustments of the basic wage will do much to undermine our arbitration system. There would have been no objection if, when the court suspended the quarterly adjustments, this Government had frozen prices and profits. But what will be the impact on the people of Australia of the court’s decision? In the absence of any action by the Government to control prices and. profits, or any indication of the Commonwealth’s intention to do so, the court has virtually indicated that, in an attempt to restore economic stability, one section of the community only is to be called upon to make a sacrifice. Obviously, if prices are to remain uncontrolled on a Commonwealth basis and astronomical profits are to continue, the freezing of wages will impose an intolerable burden on working people.

Senator Maher:

– The States have power to control prices; why do they nol exercise it?

Senator TOOHEY:

– The advocates of the abolition of Commonwealth prices control cunningly led the people to believe, although they themselves did not, that the States could control prices effectively. We on this side of the chamber knew they could not, and the trend of events since the 1948 prices referendum clearly supports that opinion. Any one who needs further evidence of the inability of the States to control prices effectively must indeed be hard to convince.

Senator MAHER:

– Commonwealth prices control failed during the war.

Senator TOOHEY:

– I have a set course to follow to-night and I shall not be diverted from it. However, I am prepared to digress now and then to enlighten honorable senators opposite if they can be enlightened. I repeat that the action of the Commonwealth Arbitration Court in abolishing quarterly adjustments of the basic wage has done no more than to impose on one section of the Australian community - the section that is least able to bear the burden - the responsibility for restoring stability to the national economy. Is it logical that this Government should be prepared to allow that injustice to be perpetrated when this Administration itself must accept the major part of the blame for the situation which led to the court’s action ? Is it any wonder that the workers of Australia are reacting violently to the court’s announcement? Honorable senators opposite have said by interjection that the Government cannot influence the Commonwealth Arbitration Court, but it is clear that if the. Government had been opposed to this attempt to make one section of the community carry the burden of restoring the national economy, it could have expressed that view to the court through counsel. The absence of any such expression of opinion indicates surely that the Government concurs in the court’s decision. As wages have been virtually frozen, there is a responsibility on somebody to take action to protect the Australian people by limiting prices and profits. Since the quarterly adjustment of the basic wage has been discontinued there has not been any noticeable decrease of the prices of many of the commodities that the ordinary people require, such as tea, potatoes, and milk.

Indeed, the price of bread has increased. It is the responsibility of somebody to take action to protect the people of this country. I consider that the Government should institute action, within the confines of the Constitution, to control prices and profits. If it does not do so, it will have to bear responsibility for a lowering of the living standard of the Australian workers. I have said that, as a result of the recent decision of the court, there has been a lessening of the confidence of the people of this country. That must be evident to supporters of the Government. We may disagree on the factors that were responsible for the courts decision, and doubtless honorable senators opposite will claim that the lessening of confidence has not been caused by the Government. However, I believe that the Government bears a definite responsibility in this matter. I am convinced that the court’s decision will, to a marked degree, accentuate the lack of confidence that has already manifested itself.

Already some of the big industrial organizations of Australia have indicated that they favour withdrawing from arbitration, and some have stated that they favour the adoption of the system of collective bargaining, which is practised in other countries. Some organizations, the members of which work under federal awards, are considering transferring to State awards in order to escape the impact of the court’s decision. I believe tHat the wholesale withdrawal from arbitration of unions which previously respected the Commonwealth Arbitration Court would precipitate industrial chaos. The period of time between their forsaking the court and establishing a degree of relationship with the employers would be an extremely trying and restive period in industry. The recent decision of the court, which imposes on one section of the Australian community the burden of trying to restore our economy, could cause a great deal of industrial unrest in the not far distant future. I consider that an immediate examination of the structure of arbitration in this country should be undertaken with a view to the institution of steps to ensure the speedy determination of applications by the court. I point out that nothing is more conducive to the promotion of industrial unrest than for bodies of workers who are suffering from injustices to have to wait interminable periods for correction of the position. The longer it takes to resolve differences, the greater is the danger of industrial unrest. I do not consider any enlargement of that simple truth is needed. It is obvious that the structure of the arbitration system is breaking down as a result of such delays and the cost incurred in applications to the court. I remind the Senate that the Australian Communist party is waiting vigilantly for any breakdown of the processes of employeremployee relationships, or a crack in the structure of the Commonwealth Arbitration Court to manifest itself. Bearing in mind that the Communist party would gain strength from such a situation, it is incumbent on the Government to undertake immediately a re-organization of the field of arbitration in this country, and to take action to protect the working classes from the impact of the decision of the court. Clearly, a responsibility devolves on the Government to alleviate the position of persons who are suffering from the impact, of the court’s decision.

His Excellency referred to the cessation of hostilities in Korea, and paid a high tribute to those who had fought under the banner of the United Nations. The Australian Labour party subscribes whole-heartedly to the sentiments that were expressed by His Excellency in that connexion. Whilst supporters of the Government and honorable senators on this side of the chamber may disagree on some matters, at least I believe that we all favour continued support of the United Nations, because we are all conscious of the fact that the peoples of the world have grave doubts and fears about the future. Only in the United Nations do people who subscribe to the principles of a free world see any tangible hope of resolving peacefully the international problems that exist in the world to-day. Australia can play a major part in resolving those problems by making its voice more thoroughly and determinedly heard in the United Nations. I say in all sincerity that Australia should itself adopt a national policy in relation to the troubles besetting the world. It should not be necessary for us to follow slavishly on the heels of the big powers. We should indicate what the people of this country think in relation to events in Asia, Europe and other parts of the world. This country’s representatives in the councils of the world should not be dominated by the big powers, because it cannot be claimed that all wisdom centres in a country which has a population of 100,000,000 people, or in another country that has a population of 80,000,000 people. This Parliament is able to assess accurately the possible effects of events in the international field, and to consider what steps are necessary in order to prevent another world conflagration which, at least, appears to be a possibility in the not far-distant future. The opinions of the Australian people in relation to these matters should be stated clearly. We should not be led astray by the hates and fears of other nations. I conclude by congratulating the mover and seconder of the motion for the adoption of the Address-in-Reply to His Excellency’s Speech; I should like to think that I have made as good a contribution as they did to the debate.

Senator KENDALL ( Queensland) 9. 55]. - I associate myself with the expressions of loyalty that have been voiced by previous speakers, and I join with them in the hope that His Excellency the Governor-General will have a happy and successful term of office. I congratulate Senator Toohey on his very thoughtful speech. Some of the matters that he has raised are worthy of a full-dress debate. I am glad that I am able to congratulate a member of the Opposition on making a worthwhile speech. Political disputes are mostly ephemeral. When we get down to fundamental and basic facts we usually find that the Opposition and the Government are almost in agreement. His Excellency stated -

You have been called together to deliberate >m matters of importance to the well-being of The Commonwealth.

That statement gives rise to differences nf opinion, because many of us differ on the measures that are needed for the wellbeing of the country. Indeed, in a parliament that is based on a democratic concept, it is well that that should be so.

Although the matters to which I have decided to address myself may not appear to other honorable senators to be very important, to me they are most important. His Excellency also stated -

In the long run, peace can be secured in a real sense only by honest and patient endeavours to remove the onuses of misunderstanding and conflict.

Let us consider how peace can be secured. I support wholeheartedly the remarks by Senator Toohey about the United Nations, because I am a great believer in that organization. It is deplorable that, during the last eighteen months, many uninformed people in this country have concluded that the United Nations will never be any good. Let us review briefly the history of the world. In the stone age there were fights between families. As time went on, tribes were formed of families, and there was fighting between the tribes. Subsequently, the tribes linked up and became principalities. Again there was fighting to see which principality should be the top dog. In time, the principalities became sovereign states ; there were then wars between the sovereign states. Coming to our own time, the states linked together to form alliances such as we s>aw during World War I., when six major powers were lined up in opposing camps. As honorable senators are aware, in that war about 8.000,000 people were killed and 4,000 ships were sunk. After the war the statesmen of the world, in an effort to prevent such a war from occurring again, formed the League of Nations. The League of Nations performed a very necessary function, yet the majority of people say that the League was a failure. I do not agree. The League of Nations was not a failure, because it represented the first attempt by men to establish the law of order as opposed to the law of the jungle which Senator Anderson mention. In that sense I say that the League of Nations was a success because it fulfilled its function and it passed out of existence only because, unfortunately, one nation, the United States of America, withdrew, and without the strength of that nation it was impossible for the League to function. What has happened now?

During World War II., which the League of Nations was powerless to stop because it was defunct, the democratic nations, led by President Roosevelt, were able to formulate a policy for the establishment of the present United Nations organization. That policy was based entirely on the principles of the League of Nations, but it was supported by a very strong and changed United States of America. I am sure that the aims of the United Nations are right. People say that the United Nations organization has failed because it did not prevent the outbreak of war in Korea. I think that the United Nations organization was successful because it succeeded in containing that war and preventing the conflagration from spreading throughout the world. Senator Toohey mentioned that the smaller nations now had no voice in the courts of the world. Surely the place for those nations is the United Nations organization. The 53 nations which constitute the United Nations organization have an equal influence on its affairs. The representative of the Australian Government or any other government has just as much voice as the representative of the United States of America. In that sense, the work that has been done in the United Nations organization has been worth while. The United Nations organization has been successful in stopping wars on three occasions. It has also taken measures which will prevent future war3, such as the. promotion of health organizations to assist the “have-nots” and aid the 70 per cent, of the world’s population that lives on the verge of starvation. In this way the United Nations organization can play a big part in implementing the principles that I have heard advocated by Opposition senators who have said that we must assist the starving millions before we can stop the spread of communism. I agree with that statement.. We can do that work through the United Nations. Our job, not only as parliamentarians, but as citizens of the world and human beings, should be to support the United Nations in every way that we can. We can do that by talking about the United Nations, by subscribing to the funds of f5ie organization in aid of starving children and by linking up with the Australian association which sup ports the United Nations. We can try to help those waverers . who cannot see the wood for the trees. We can teach those people that we have the answer to world problems in the United Nations. It is nonsense to say that any one wants war. Whatever party or country they belong to, 1 do not think that anybody outside a lunatic asylum would say that he wants to see the horrors and misery and degradation of war. Surely we should help the United Nations, which is the successor of the League of Nations, to stop war.

His Excellency the Governor-General said that Communist tactics had imposed a heavy burden of rearmament on the democracies, but that we must accept this burden as the price of peace. In our generation we have seen the greatest rise of apostacy and the greatest abandonment of faith in 2,000 years of Christianity. We have seen nations rise up which not only deify the State, but completely ignore the very fundamentals of Christianity. They place the State before the individual. Some years ago I heard Winston Churchill pray that the time would never come when a government would be everything and the individual would be nothing. Surely any system, whether it is called Nazi-ism. Stalinism or communism, which abrogates that power that we have been taught to respect since childhood should be abolished. So I agree entirely that rearmament, although a heavy weight to carry, will in the long run prove itself to have been worthwhile as a means of stopping the advance of these people. T do not think that any member of the Opposition in any British parliament would wish to do what the great Whig Leader, Fox, did when he took pleasure in the defeat of his own country in order to score over his opponent, Pitt.

Senator Grant:

– The honorable senator sounds as though he has joined the moral rearmament movement.

Senator KENDALL:

– I have been interested in the moral rearmament movement. Judging by reports that have come from Caux, I think that it hat some sound principles. I am not familiar with the details of the movement, but, perhaps, we may hear more about moral rearmament later on.

His Excellency spoke of the development of the territories of the Commonwealth and said that the welfare of the indigenous inhabitants remained the prime concern of his advisers. I could not agree more. I should like to congratulate the Government and the present Minister for Territories (Mr. Hasluck) in particular on the work that has been done in Papua and New Guinea since I have been in this Parliament. I made my maiden speech, in the Senate on the subject of New Guinea. At that time I was disgusted with the conditions in New Guinea which I knew in its prime days. “When I entered this Parliament, because of factors arising out of the war, Papua and New Guinea were in a poor condition, r have visited the Territory several times in the last few years and I inspected it about three months ago with the Minister for Territories. I was pleased to see indications of a return to pre-war conditions. A great many new schemes have been introduced that we did not even think about before the war, particularly in regard to the natives. Within the morass of misgovernment and misunderstanding and trouble there, the Government is gradually bringing to the natives the powers that will eventually enable them to exercise the self-government that we have promised the United Nations to give them. The present Minister for Territories set up the Legislative Council which was sadly needed in the Territory. Although the present position of the Legislative Council could be improved it will eventually have more elected members, and fewer nominated members. So far the council has done, well and the few elected members have made their voices heard throughout the Territory.

A great deal has been done for the health of the inhabitants of the Territory. Firt aid posts have been established throughout Papua and New Guinea with the exception of the unexplored portions. They are run by natives who have been well trained and they are well supplied with medical requirements. In this way, the Government is preventing the spread of such diseases as black water and yaws. It is a pleasure to see1 the native schools with bright-eyed youngsters from seven to thirteen years of age. Schools are conducted by missions as well as by the Government. The Catholic missions particularly, have done a tremendous job in teaching cleanlinessand health as well as reading, writing and arithmetic. The other missions are doing, the best they can, but I think that shortage of money hampers some of thesmaller missions. Hospitals have not been established very far into the country. However there are large hospitals at Lae,. Moresby, Madang, Rabaul, and Kavieng,, and they are well run. Even on the east coast of New Ireland there is a good,, clean hospital with a nice operating room.. A great many dispossessed people from the other side of the world who had doctors’ degrees in their own countries and who were not acceptable in Australia until they had spent a certain amount of time here and passed certain examinations, have done extremely valuable work in New Guinea. They were able to go up there as medical assistants, rather than as fully-fledged doctors, and to take on jobs. I know several of them. One, a young Pole of about 32 years of age, who ran a native hospital at Rabaul for three years, is now in Sydney studyingfor his fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. Eventually,, he will become acceptable to the Australian medical faculty.

The settlement of Rabaul was another very good thing brought about by the present Minister for Territories. After seven years of shilly-shallying, of deciding to go- to Kokopo, then not to go, then deciding to go to another island, and to do this and that, it is good to know that Rabaul is to- be the capital. Previously, no one knew what the position was. Temporary dwellings, built of 3-in. by 2-in. timber and paper covering were erected and were of such shocking quality that after three or four years they commenced to fall down.. As I have said, it is pleasing to know that the Government has made up its mind and has told the people of the Territory that Rabaul is to be re-built. The direct result of that decision has been that the New Guinea Copra Company ha3 spent £30O,.000 on the erection of a. crushing mill, at Rabaul, in addition to a number of houses for its staff. The crushing mill will save a considerable amount of overseas freight, and also expenditure on copra sacks, because the copra will be crushed and the oil will simply be pumped into the ships.

The shipping services, which were in such a deplorable state four years ago, have been considerably improved.. At that time, copra was dotted about on beaches all over the Territory. On a certain occasion five years ago there were approximately 54,000 tons of copra waiting to be lifted. At the Numa Numa plantation, on the east coast of Bougainville, copra worth £30,000 was on hand waiting to be shipped away; yet the plantation had an overdraft of £17,000, on which it was paying interest. That kind of thing is now being cleaned up. The officer who is at present in charge of shipping has performed a very fine job during the last eighteen months. He has straightened out the schedules, so that at the present time there is practically no cargo waiting to be delivered. The ships are running on schedule, and the service is operating very well.

In the field of education, the scout and sea-scout movements have been commenced. I had a great deal of pleasure in attending one of the camp fires held in the Territory. I hold the position of commissioner for sea scouts in Queensland, and I was welcome at their camp fire; because I was able to tell them about the activities of scouts, and also girl guides, in Australia. Quite a number of these scouts have joined the Pacific Islands regiment or the naval forces which are performing excellent service in territorial waters. On the administrative side, recently approximately twelve copra inspectors were appointed. Incidentally, copra inspectors do not merely stand about and inspect copra. They go all over the island and visit native plantations. They tell the natives what they are doing wrong and how they can improve production. In addition, regular medical patrols are now travelling throughout the Territory, as was the practice years ago.

In my opinion, the natives of New Guinea should not be made to feel that they are being kept like children. I suggest that they should not be taught, as Australians were taught some years ago, to stand about and wait for a hand out. I should like to see some form of head tax imposed. Of course, it could not possibly be so described because of the terms of our trust, but perhaps it could be described as a contribution towards a medical benefits scheme, or something of that kind. Even if the natives were taxed only £2, £3 or £5 a year, it would make them feel that they were not entirely dependent on the taxpayers of Australia. I am sure, also, that the Australian taxpayers would be pleased to have a certain portion of their tax burden taken from their shoulders. I am not in the confidence of the Government, and I do not know whether that suggestion has been considered, but 1 put it forward seriously.

I shall remember for a long time the opening of the Parliament to-day. It seemed to me to be something in thu nature of a rehearsal for the opening by Her Majesty the Queen next year, to which we are all looking forward. I am sure that all honorable senators will remember the quiet, commanding voice of His Excellency the Governor-General, Field Marshal Sir William Slim, a voice so different from those to which we are accustomed. It was almost possible to hear the ring of com? mand when he requested the Usher of the Black Hod to ask the members of ti if House of ^Representatives to come to thi* chamber. Indeed, it was not merely a request; it was a definite order. It was very nice to hear,, couched as it was in such a quiet tone. Having been used to discipline for so many years myself, and having experienced the more or less complete undiscipline of this Parliament during the last four years, His Excellency’s tone waa most gratifying. I look forward to the implementation of the matters referred to in His Excellency’s Speech, particularly to the introduction of the health and medical benefits legislation.

Senator ARNOLD:
New South Wales

– It is with great diffidence that I enter the friendly and convivial debate in the Senate to-night. In such an atmosphere, I should hesitate to speak at length, because I might unconsciously drop a brick and thus disturb the serenity of my surroundings. I extend congratulations to those new members of the Senate who have spoken. Their speeches were thoughtful, and I look forward to similar speeches from them in the months to come. I share the gratification of all honorable senators at the forthcoming visit to Australia of Her Majesty the Queen. I am sure that on that occasionthere will be unanimity in this chamber similar to that which we have witnessed this evening. As the next matter with which I wish to deal is of a controversial nature, and asI do not propose to disturb the placid atmosphere of the Senate,I ask for leave to continue my remarks.

Leave granted ; debate adjourned.

page 30


Motion (by Senator O’Sullivan) agreed to -

That the Senate, at its rising, adjourn to to-morrow, at 3 p.m.

page 30


The following papers were pre sented : -

Australian National University Act - Statutes -

No. 10 - Convocation Amendment No.1.

No. 11 - Constitution of the Council (Period of office) Amendment No. 1.

No. 12 - Vice-Chancellorship.

Income Tax and Social Services Contribu tion Assessment Act - Regulations - Statutory Rules 1953, No. 88.

Lands Acquisition Act - Land acquired for railway purposes at Fort Augusta, South Australia.

Northern Territory (Administration) Act - Ord inances - 1 953 -

No. 11 - Darwin Town Management.

No.12 - Supreme Court.

No. 13- Oaths.

No. 15- Health.

No. 17 - Darwin Administration.

No. 18 - Alice Springs Administration.

Regulations - 1 953 -

No. 3 (Traffic Ordinance).

Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (Motor Vehicles


Patent, Trade Marks, Designs and Copyright Act - Regulations- Statutory Rules, 1953, No. 89.

Public Service Act - Appointments - Department -

Civil Aviation - D. A. Gibson, C. W. S. Tilly.

Defence Production - B. C. White.

Health- R. R. A. Brock, T. A. Nowell.

Works- W.G. Barnes, H. J. Bell, K. Hunting, H. P. Findeisen, L. J. T. Gamble, C. G. Jose, J. J. Meyer.

Seat of Government Acceptance Act and Seat of Government (Administration) Act -

Ordinance - 1953 - No. 13 - Scaffolding and Lifts.

Regulations - 1953 - No. 13 (Public Health Ordinance).

Senate adjourned at 10.26 p.m.

Cite as: Australia, Senate, Debates, 10 November 1953, viewed 22 October 2017, <>.