House of Representatives
7 September 1928

10th Parliament · 1st Session

Mr. Speaker (Hon. Sir Littleton Groom) took the chair at 11 a.m., and

Tead prayers.

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Prime Minister and Minister for External Affairs · Flinders · NAT

(By leave.) - With deep regret, I have to announce to the House that Mr. William Henry Lambert, the honorable member representing the division of West Sydney, died suddenly in Sydney last night. I move -

That this House expresses its profound regret at the death of William Henry Lambert, member for West Sydney, and places on record its appreciation of his public service, and tenders to his widow its deepest sympathy.

Mr. Lambert came into this Parliament as the. result of a by-election in September, 1921, and retained his seat at the general elections in 1922 and 1925. Before entering this Parliament he had a long association with the Labour movement of this country. He was president of the Australian Labour party executive and conference for five successive years, from 1917 to 1921, and for one year he was president of the interstate conference of the Labour party. He was also for several years a prominent figure in the civic life of the capital of the State from which he came. From 1919 to 1924 he was an alderman of the city of Sydney, and in the year 1920-21 he occupied the high and distinguished office of Lord Mayor of that great city. During his long public career he was one of the leaders of the Labour party, to which he gave lifelong allegiance, and it, I think, owes to him a debt of gratitude for the services he rendered while he was most actively associated with it. Every member of this Parliament regrets the passing of one who for seven years was a fellow member, and on behalf of the House I desire to express sincere sympathy with the bereaved widow of the honorable gentleman.


.- I join with the Prime Minister in voicing the sincere regret of this Parliament at the very sudden death of one of our fellow members. The frequency with which the shadow of death has passed over this assembly during recent years should make us realize the brevity and the uncertainty of life. In a chamber whose members represent differing economic, industrial, and political creeds, the expression of opposing opinions is often productive of heated feeling, but on an occasion like this our differences are forgotten, and we are united in our sorrow at the sudden death of one who so recently was with us. Mr. Lambert had for many years fought for the cause of the workers, and striven strenuously in the industrial field to improve their conditions. I know that in his earlier years he faced many hardships in the back country, fighting for the improvement of industrial conditions, in order that those who came after him might live better and happier lives. Notwithstanding the constant clash of political judgments, in the shadow of sudden and tragic death we readily forget the political and personal differences that separate us. On behalf of my colleagues on this side of the chamber, I express to his widow our sympathy with her in the sad loss she has sustained.

Question resolved in the affirmative, honorable members standing in their places.

Motion (by Mr. Bruce) agreed to -

That Mr. Speaker be requested to transmit to Mrs. Lambert the foregoing resolution and a copy of the speeches delivered thereon.

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Prime Minister and Minister for External Affairs · Flinders · NAT

– As a mark of respect to the memory of the late Mr. Lambert, I move -

That the House do now adjourn.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

House adjourned at 11.7 a.m.

Cite as: Australia, House of Representatives, Debates, 7 September 1928, viewed 22 October 2017, <>.